The Jura Development Trust, or ‘JDT’ has over the decades secured funding for and managed a number of projects. Today, our main activities are maintaining and running the moorings and pontoons in Craighouse and operating the Council Service Point on behalf of Argyll and Bute Council. We own and maintain the shop and Antlers buildings as community assets, with both buildings leased to other businesses. We are the custodians of the Jura Lives oral history archives as well as the genealogy records for the island.
We secure funding for the Jura Passenger Ferry (which is operated privately) and also work with volunteers to take care of the Corran Path. We’ve managed dozens of ‘smaller’ projects too from renewables feasibility studies, wood fuel, yoga, island equipment hire and more.
We have an active Community Led Action Plan which we regularly review and update. We work with other groups on the island to help them deliver their own work and are always keen to collaborate on anything that benefits the Jura community.
We’re a volunteer led organisation with 3 part time paid employees on the island. We rely on volunteer time, grant funds and other donations – all given generously by those at home and far away. To read more about past projects, see below for some archived articles.
For more information, or to get involved, contact
Our projects
The Antlers – an update for 2025
31st March 2025As you will be aware, the lease for the…
Isle of Jura Community Action Plan
31st December 2023This 5-year Community led action plan ha…
Climate Strike 2019
20th September 2019Between the 20-27 September 2019, a reco…
Repair Cafe Glasgow Visit Jura
24th August 2019On Saturday 24th August, Jura Developmen…
Community Learning Exchange – Eigg
27th March 2019At the end of March, Amy, Debs and Kirst…
Walk of Life – Corran Path
29th April 2018In 2017, volunteers of the Jura Developm…
Our Digital Heritage
10th August 2015Jura has a long and interesting history…
Jura Community Shop
24th March 2014Jura’s only shop opened for business und…
Oral History Project
11th April 2012A Landscape of Lives After two years spe…
Renewable energy
10th October 2010Could a community – owned wind turbine b…
The Antlers
11th April 2009Background to this Project Jura Developm…