Scotland’s route map

Yesterday the Scottish First Minister, Nicole Sturgeon, unveiled Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis. The full document can be found on the right hand side of this article as well as on the Scottish government website.

In First Minister’s Questions following the release of the route map, Nicola Sturgeon was asked a question by MSP Kenneth Gibson,

“What precautions will be taken to protect rural and island communities as the lockdown eases and tourists and second home owners, from across the UK begin to return?”

The First Minister responded that the advise continued to be,

“Fundamentally we are still saying to people …

Not to travel to rural parts of Scotland.

Not to travel to holiday homes … and not to risk taking the virus with you when you go.

In phase one, we envisage people being able to travel more for recreation and leisure but we are saying that in this phase that should continue where possible, to be in your own locality … as a guide that is 5 miles.”

The full discussion can be found on BBC iPlayer from 1:24:39